Ddo Texturing Project

I have started leaning the texturing program Ddo and created a game rez prop as a test.  Its modeled in Maya and Zbrush then textured with Ddo.  The details modeled in Zbrush were baked in Maya along with the materials colour pass, xNormal was used to bake the AO and object space normal maps.  The prop was rendered with Marmoset Toolbag.

Concept Art by Ben Mauro

Combat Armor Zsketch

Quickly concepted out a futuristic combat armor sculpt using dynamesh.  

Fifa 14 Trailer

Just finished working on Fifa 14, check out the trailer.

Hard Surface Test in Zbrush

This is a small test of the some of the new hard surface tools in Zbrush.  All modeling was done in Zbrush, texturing was done in Zbrush and Photoshop.

Zbrush Insect

High poly insect project. Modeling and texturing will be done in zbush and photoshop, rendering in Maya.

Final Sculpt

Battle Pod

For this project I decided to re-create a mech from an old show I watched as a kid. Here are the final shaders and textures.  Still need to add a few finishing touches but overall I am happy with the result.

Final Render

Texture Maps

Update 1: First pass mental ray shaders.

Update 2:  Final shaders for the upper section.  Need to finish tweaking the shaders for the legs.